The Filesystem


Information About Files and Directories

ls -a -i -l -s tmp
total 8
99138261 0 drwxr-xr-x   3 tut  staff   96 Apr 20 07:50 ./
94560701 0 drwxr-xr-x  22 tut  staff  704 Apr 20 07:53 ../
99138262 8 -rw-r--r--   1 tut  staff  174 Apr 20 07:50 bibliography.html

[%table slug=ls_long_tmp tbl=ls_long_tmp.tbl caption="Annotated Output of ls" %]

Permissions in Principle

User and Group IDs

uid=501(tut) gid=20(staff) groups=20(staff),12(everyone),61(localaccounts),…and 15 others…
id -p nobody
uid nobody
groups  nobody everyone localaccounts


[%table slug=capabilities tbl=capabilities.tbl caption="Unix File and Directory Capabilities" %]

Permissions in Practice

Changing Permissions

$ echo "original content" > /tmp/somefile.txt

$ ls -l /tmp/somefile.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 gvwilson  staff  17 Apr 20 16:15 /tmp/somefile.txt

$ cat /tmp/somefile.txt
original content

$ chmod u=,g=,o= /tmp/somefile.txt

$ ls -l /tmp/somefile.txt
----------  1 gvwilson  staff  17 Apr 20 16:15 /tmp/somefile.txt

$ cat /tmp/somefile.txt
cat: /tmp/somefile.txt: Permission denied

$ echo "revised content" > /tmp/somefile.txt
src/fs/ line 9: /tmp/somefile.txt: Permission denied

$ chmod u=rw /tmp/somefile.txt

$ echo "revised content" > /tmp/somefile.txt

$ ls -l /tmp/somefile.txt
-rw-------  1 gvwilson  staff  16 Apr 20 16:15 /tmp/somefile.txt

$ cat /tmp/somefile.txt
revised content

Changing Permissions Programmatically

import os
import stat

filename = "/tmp/somefile.txt"
with open(filename, "w") as writer:
    writer.write("original content")

status = os.stat(filename)

# os.stat_result(st_mode=33188, st_ino=99159112, st_dev=16777234, st_nlink=1, st_uid=501,
#                st_gid=0, st_size=16, st_atime=1713644644, st_mtime=1713644747,
#                st_ctime=1713644747)

# 33188

# -rw-r--r--

print(f"user ID {status.st_uid} group ID {status.st_gid}")
# user ID 501 group ID 0
os.chmod(filename, 0)
status = os.stat(filename)
# ----------

    with open(filename, "r") as reader:
        content =
except OSError as exc:
    print(f"trying to open and read: {type(exc)} {exc}")
# trying to open and read: <class 'PermissionError'>
# [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/tmp/somefile.txt

Not Important Until It Is

Systems Programming?

Hard Links

$ echo "file content" > /tmp/original.txt

$ ls -l /tmp/*.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 tut  staff  13 Apr 20 20:13 /tmp/original.txt

$ ln /tmp/original.txt /tmp/duplicate.txt
$ ls -l /tmp/*.txt
-rw-r--r--  2 tut  staff  13 Apr 20 20:13 /tmp/duplicate.txt
-rw-r--r--  2 tut  staff  13 Apr 20 20:13 /tmp/original.txt

$ cat /tmp/duplicate.txt
file content

$ rm /tmp/original.txt
$ ls -l /tmp/*.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 tut  staff  13 Apr 20 20:13 /tmp/duplicate.txt

$ cat /tmp/duplicate.txt
file content

Symbolic Links

[% figure slug=fs_links img="links.svg" alt="Relationship between hard and symbolic Links" caption="Hard and Symbolic Links" %]

$ echo "file content" > /tmp/original.txt

$ ls -l /tmp/*.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 tut  staff  13 Apr 20 20:20 /tmp/original.txt

$ ln -s /tmp/original.txt /tmp/duplicate.txt
$ ls -l /tmp/*.txt
lrwxr-xr-x  1 tut  staff  17 Apr 20 20:20 /tmp/duplicate.txt -> /tmp/original.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 tut  staff  13 Apr 20 20:20 /tmp/original.txt

$ cat /tmp/duplicate.txt
file content

$ readlink /tmp/duplicate.txt

$ rm /tmp/original.txt
$ ls -l /tmp/*.txt
lrwxr-xr-x  1 tut  staff  17 Apr 20 20:20 /tmp/duplicate.txt@ -> /tmp/original.txt

$ cat /tmp/duplicate.txt
cat: /tmp/duplicate.txt: No such file or directory

Other Kinds of "Files"

with open("/dev/urandom", "rb") as reader:
    bytes =
print([hex(b) for b in bytes])```
['0x3b', '0x57', '0x49', '0x2', '0x4e', '0xac', '0x3c', '0xef']


Filesystem     512-blocks      Used  Available Capacity iused      ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk3s1s1 1942700360  20008776 1812103064     2%  403755 4294159622    0%   /
devfs                 414       414          0   100%     722          0  100%   /dev
/dev/disk3s6   1942700360        40 1812103064     1%       0 9060515320    0%   /System/Volumes/VM
/dev/disk3s2   1942700360  11963032 1812103064     1%    1069 9060515320    0%   /System/Volumes/Preboot
/dev/disk3s4   1942700360      7664 1812103064     1%      52 9060515320    0%   /System/Volumes/Update
/dev/disk1s2      1024000     12328     984504     2%       1    4922520    0%   /System/Volumes/xarts
/dev/disk1s1      1024000     12544     984504     2%      28    4922520    0%   /System/Volumes/iSCPreboot
/dev/disk1s3      1024000      4904     984504     1%      89    4922520    0%   /System/Volumes/Hardware
/dev/disk3s5   1942700360  96389600 1812103064     6%  955583 9060515320    0%   /System/Volumes/Data
map auto_home           0         0          0   100%       0          0     -   /System/Volumes/Data/home

Disk Usage

$ du -h -s .
4.9M    .
$ du -h -s $(ls -A)
1.8M    .git
4.0K    .gitignore
4.0K    .vscode
4.0K    Makefile
4.0K    brew.txt
812K    docs
 28K    info
360K    lib
1.1M    old
4.0K    requirements.txt
524K    res
408K    src
4.0K    tmp